Consisting of but not necessarily limited to: 5- 500 ml and 1- 250 ml, (NOTE: All are full of an Unnamed Liquid.) With LOT GRADUATED CYLINDERS: Consisting of but not necessarily limited to: 4- PYREX PLUS 1000 ml, 6- PYREX Np. 2962 500 ml (est.) Plain Columns, 1- 500 (est.) and 1- 250 (est.) -both are Plastic; 1- Flask 500 ml (est.), 1- 300 ml cut, 1- 200 ml. With LOT RELATED CONSUMMABLE SUPPLIES: Consisting of but not necessarily limited to: 1- Box/Tray of MIDSCI 75 ml Graduated Centrifuge Tubes, Lot # 725CE-725C; CELITE Diatomaceous Earth; Bottles -1- qt. Plastic, and 1- pt. Glass; Cleaning Supplies and Related.