4 ft. dia. x 8 ft. (approx.) Straight Wall Height, Domed Top with Conical Hopper Bottom, 24 in. dia. (approx.) Davot Hinged Clean-Out Access Hatch, Mounted on 4-H-Beam Legs, With Operators Electrical Control Panel, Free-Standing on Floor-Mounted Angle Iron Legs; MAWP 15 psi @ 300 deg. F, MDMT -20 deg. F @ 15 psi. With FLEXICON SUPER SACK UNLOADING UNIT: s/n 72912 4000 lbs. max. capacity, 5 ft. wide x 5 ft. deep x 7 ft. 4 in. tall (approx.), With 2-1/2 in dia. (est.) x 20 ft. Auger Delivery to Surge Tank. (NOTE: The Top of the Unit is Extendable / Collapsible to adjust for unloading requirements.) MEDIA MIX TANK, VERTICAL: 3 ft. dia. x 6 ft. tall Seam to Seam, Domed at the Top and Bottom, Mounted on 4- H- Beam Legs, with LIGHTNIN Top Mounted, Vertical Shaft Agitator/Mixer powered by Electric Motor; Side Mounted Electric Heating Element; with FLEXICON Flexible Auger Power Ingredient Mixing Station having Top Discharge, Head, Electric Motor powering the Auger and Powder Feed Hopper and Particle Control Box, s/n 72912; with Operator's Electrical Motor Starter Control Cabinet, Free Standing.