Thursday, July 28 • 9 am to 3 pm
Thursday, August 4 • 9 am to 3 pm
Check-in at the Airport Operations Building, 125 Ave G, Gwinn, to meet with auction company staff and review documentation on the properties.
Other Times by Appointment
221.84± acres
Tax Parcel IDs: 52-05-254-003-00, 52-05-255-001-50
This parcel is the largest in the auction and includes 221.84± acres of beautiful bare land. It’s located on the northeast corner of the main runway to K. I. Sawyer International Airport and Kelly Johnson Memorial Parkway (Airport Access Road). Hundreds of vehicles pass by this property on their way into K. I. Sawyer every day. Each year 101,990 (2021) passengers fly out of the airport which accounts for 40% of all air travel in the UP.
Currently there is no specified zoning for this parcel. A developer would have to abide by zoning restrictions due to the close proximity to the main runway which runs parallel to this property. There is additional environmental information specific to this site in the Due Diligence Room. Buyers are urged to review the information that pertains to this property in the Environmental Report.
Additional information is available with the return of this completed release.
Other Properties offered in this Sale:
Primary Auction Listing
Property 1: Building 708, SAGE Bldg.
130,000 Sq. Ft., 6± acres
Property 2: Parcel E-24, 77.99± Acres Bare Land, located on M-553, west of runway
77.99± acres
Property 3: Building 850, Former Hospital
119,588 Sq. Ft., 19.37± acres
Property 4: Buildings 830, 831, 832, 833, 835, 836, 837, Lower Dormitories
139,611 Sq. Ft., 23.1± acres
Property 6: Tailwinds Bar/Restaurant, Former Red Fox Inn, Dormitories, Residences
20± acres
Property 7: Buildings 810/811, South Upper Dormitory Buildings
23,178 Sq. Ft., 4.1± acres
Property 8: Buildings 814/815, North Upper Dormitory Buildings
25,084 Sq. Ft., 4.7± acres
Property 9: Parcel B14-M, 73.72± Acres Bare Land
73.72± acres
Property 10: Building 812, Former Admin. Bldg.
9,562 Sq. Ft., 1.16± acres
Property 11: Parcel B1-D, 10.82± Acres Bare Land, located east of Lower Dorms Parking Lots
10.82± acres
Property 12: Building 813, Old Post Office
10,641 Sq. Ft., 2.4± acres
Property 13: Building 819, Old Movie Theater
5,810 Sq. Ft., 1.6± acres
Property 14: Parcel C-52, 6.38± Acres Bare Land, NE of Sidewinder/Fortress St. Intersection (behind homes)
6.38± acres
View Drone Video of the site:

Broker Participation
Broker Participation is welcome but not required. A 2% commission will be paid to the licensed broker who, at time of registration, registers the bidder who pays for and settles for the real estate. To qualify a broker must attend one inspection with his/her client, assist as needed in the closing process and attend closing. A broker buying on his/her behalf, or on the behalf of any business entity in which he/she holds an interest on behalf of a family member or a family member’s business entity, is not entitled to a commission.
Payment Information
An additional (earnest money) deposit is due within 2 business days bringing the total monies in escrow to 20% of the purchase price. Balance due at closing within 30 days. Deposit monies are earnest monies and non-refundable. Deposits of non-winning bidders will be returned immediately following the auction. Attorney Thomas Clark will oversee the closing.
Full Terms
All bids are subject to Seller’s acceptance on or before Thursday, August 11 at 4:00 pm ET. Bidders will be notified of the Sellers decision in writing via email and/or by phone.
In all transactions, Auctioneer is acting as an Agent for the Seller. Buyers are urged to inspect the property prior to purchase. Seller and Auctioneer are not responsible for items. All information received from reliable sources believed to be correct but not guaranteed by the Auction Company. Any announcement made/posted/published during the auction process takes precedence over any material published about this event. In the event of a dispute, Auctioneer has final decision.